World Cup Debut: Snowshoe XCO 2022

Since 2019, I have turned my focus towards marathon mountain bike races, generally competing in events ranging from three to eight hours in length. As such, my training centers around developing a strong “diesel” engine: a steady sweet-spot pace that I can maintain for hours at a time, putting in hard efforts for the occasional…


Almost a year ago, I moved to Roanoke, Virginia. Why? Mountain biking. Little did I know, that my move to Roanoke would be about so much more than just glorious trails and ample gravel roads for training. It would deliver an incredible community, a city replete with culture and food destinations, and all sorts of…

Race Report: Big Frog 65

Summary The irony of this event is that it was supposed to be my first NUE series event, way back in 2020. I remember asking friends, veterans of the event, for beta, and gearing up for my first season “as a pro” and… then COVID happened. Now, two years later, with a full season of…

Testing Limits

It all started when I was playing around on Ride With GPS, plotting ways to connect several portions of trail in Hoosier National Forest with the trails at Brown County State Park. No matter how I tried to do it, I couldn’t make the loop less than 62 miles. Now, this wouldn’t have been a…

Time to Ride

The world of a cyclist is full of wonder: The wind breathes freedom into my veins and hurries fear away into sweet song. The sun chases clouds into swift retreat, even in the rain. The incline gives glories untold as lungs gasp for precious air. The wheels fly, pedals spinning, muscles screaming, chain singing. The…